Wednesday, April 10, 2024

A-Z Blogging Challenge 2024: Gods Houses - I is for Information

Looking back through my travel photos I see that in many places we visited there was, on our agendas, an Abbey, Cathedral, Chapel, Church, Convent, Monastery, Mosque, Pagoda, Synagogue, Temple or other place of worship. As we travel along the road I often take snaps of God's houses we pass by. These buildings range from ordinary to ostentatious. 

For the Blogging from A to Z April 2024 Blogging Challenge my theme is Gods' Houses. During April I invite you to join me for an online tour of Gods' Houses from my digital albums.

One can often find some sort of sign outside a sacred building. These may give information on the name and denomination of the building, opening and service hours, and details to contact those responsible for the buildings. 

King Island, Australia,_Zanzibar

Bucharest, Romania

Site of Eleanor Rigby's Grave, Liverpool, England

Kingston, Norfolk Island

Cairo, Egypt (2005)

Anglican Church in Killara, a suburb of Sydney, Australia

LDS in Kangaroo Point, Brisbane, Australia

Carcassone, France

Mosque, Cairo, Egypt

Modern Cathedral in Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Lots of info on this board, schoolgirl French comes in handy,_Abidjan

San Juan, Puerto Rico

The Western Wall in Jerusalem, Israel is a Holy Place for Jewish People

Derry, Northern Ireland

Sadly this church in Rhodes, Greece is a ruin burgh-35403.html

Wellington, New Zealand

Corcomroe Abbey, County Clare, Ireland

Tenby, Wales

St Peters, St Georges, Bermuda


  1. I didn't realize Elenore Rigsby was a real person.

    1. I think the song was a fiction but Eleanor was real.

  2. Jamie (
    I never knew that either about Eleanor Rigby.

  3. So many different types of signs Jill. This is a great response to the prompt. I'm sure I wouldn't have thought of it. I also didn't realise Eleanor Rigby was real.

    1. Not just a name plucked from thin air but from a cemetery!

  4. Having done 3 Beatles tours in Liverpool I've seen Eleanor's grave more than once.

  5. On April 7th of this year, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints announced they will build another temple in Brisbane, Australia. Once it has been completed, the church traditionally has an open house for the public prior to dedicating the temple. Temple open houses are great opportunities to learn more about the role of temples and to see inside these beautiful buildings.

    1. I remember going to an Open House to a temple in Provo before it was dedicated. It was magnificent but we weren't allowed to take photos inside.

  6. I love to take photos of signs. They are great reminders of where you were, the significance of the place, and often historical details. When my husband travels, I always ask him to take a photo of a sign first and then it will refresh his memory when he comes home and shows me the photos that follow.

    1. That's a great tip. I am going to try to do that on our next trip.


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