Thursday, October 15, 2020

Staying in

Much of my youth was spent on the beaches in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. 

In those days we didn't worry too much about sun protection, getting out in the sun and fresh air was healthy.

Decades late I am paying the price for all that sun worship. Over the years I have had a number of minor skin cancers chopped out and frozen off. 

I have recently tried a new treatment on my face. Efudix is a cream the one applies for a few weeks. During the course of this treatment one has to stay out of the sun while the cream works its magic by bringing lesions to the surface then turning them into scabs that, when they heal, remove take the lesions away.

During the process one is not a pretty sight as this image attests.

Saturday, October 10, 2020


 Our boatshed is finally finished and looking pretty schmick. It's a fine addition to our backyard.

We now need to find a boat to park in it. 

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