Saturday, June 15, 2024

Appuldurcombe House

We braved the summer showers and chilly conditions this morning to visit a site recommended by our mate Heather.

Situated in a sheltered spot on the top of a hill with stunning views this shell of a stately home would have been a handsome residence before it fell into disrepair. It was once the grandest house on The Isle of Wight.

We managed some photos before we retreated to the shelter of our rental car.

It was a short walk down this path to the house

There were many information boards telling the story of the site

The entry at the rear of the house

The large front reception room has been reroofed and made weatherproof

This appeared to be original flooring

This looked like a minor staircase. Unfortunately we didn't see a plan of the property.

This board shows how the house was decorated in the 1800s

As we entered via the rear of the property we didn't see a view of the house until we had been through the interior. 

The original very attractive front entry

Friday, June 14, 2024

Curves and Circles

My photos today focused on curves and circles.

We had a full day on the Isle of Wight. Fortified by an English breakfast we spent over four hours at Queen Victoria's holiday home, Osborne House, before taking to the road to explore more of the Island's coast.

Regal crockery

Corridor at Osborne House

Queen Victoria's bathing machine

Windows from Swiss Cottage, the Royal Children's play house

We enjoyed the coastal view from the car

We were accompanied on our drive by steady rain which discouraged us from lingering at scenic sites. We rounded off our day with dinner in a local pub.

We enjoyed a taste of Sicily with our dinner

Monday, June 10, 2024

New note

While I was in a London M&S boosting the British economy Robert managed to get one of these newly released King Charles notes.

Twenty Pounds
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