Tasmanian writers in line for $155,000 award
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I met one of my favourite authors
Young reader meets Michael Morpurgo
Young reader meets Michael Morpurgo
They're changing their 'toons
Article on the history of comic books and impact of graphic novels
Article on the history of comic books and impact of graphic novels
They're changing their 'toons
Article on the history of comic books and impact of graphic novels
Article on the history of comic books and impact of graphic novels
Tasmanian Public Libraries introduce porn blocks
Writer fulfils book dream...
with publication of Colin Thiele biography.
with publication of Colin Thiele biography.
The True History of the Kelly Gang wins more awards
A writer's life: Neil Gaiman
UK Telgraph article
UK Telgraph article
In Victoria The State Library is putting on display many of the treasures of its rare book collection.
Monday, December 5, 2005
UK writer and actress Mary Hayley Bell dies at 94
Daily Telegraphy report from the UK
Daily Telegraphy report from the UK
Thursday, December 1, 2005
Students on line for a chat with Morris
Account of an author activity at Blechington Public School
Account of an author activity at Blechington Public School
Shadowlands of Narnia
An article abour C. S. Lewis in The Scotsman.
An article abour C. S. Lewis in The Scotsman.
National snapshot of children's development
Nearly a quarter of Australian children could be developmentally at risk, according to the findings of the Australian Early Development Index (AEDI), a national research project that measures children's developmental progress as they enter school.
Nearly a quarter of Australian children could be developmentally at risk, according to the findings of the Australian Early Development Index (AEDI), a national research project that measures children's developmental progress as they enter school.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
The Reading Champion
Age article about Agnes Nieuwenhuizen
Age article about Agnes Nieuwenhuizen
Michael Morpurgo wins Book Award
BBC Report http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4450000/newsid_4450700/4450758.stm
BBC Report http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4450000/newsid_4450700/4450758.stm
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Best Children's Books of 2005 from Publisher's Weekly
'We are breaking down barriers'
E-learning in Ireland http://education.guardian.co.uk/elearning/story/0,10577,1642290,00.html
E-learning in Ireland http://education.guardian.co.uk/elearning/story/0,10577,1642290,00.html
Toronto author and journalist David Gilmour has won the Governor General's Literary Award for English fiction for A Perfect Night to Go to China
Monday, November 14, 2005
It's Children's Book Week
In the United States from November 14-20, 2005. Take a look at the CBC website
In the United States from November 14-20, 2005. Take a look at the CBC website
Sunday, November 13, 2005
'Mable Riley' earns children's book award
TD Canadian Children's Literature Award winner is announced.
TD Canadian Children's Literature Award winner is announced.
Microsoft moves to digitize British Library
Great Graphic Novels for Teens
Nominate your favourite for the ALA list to be published in 2007.
Nominate your favourite for the ALA list to be published in 2007.
Touring the world in a paper doll
The Flat Stanley project has a blog. Read about it at: http://www.gazettetimes.com/articles/2005/11/12/news/community/sat02.txt
The Flat Stanley project has a blog. Read about it at: http://www.gazettetimes.com/articles/2005/11/12/news/community/sat02.txt
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
The art of melancholy
Interview with cartoonist anad author, Chris Ware
Interview with cartoonist anad author, Chris Ware
Blossoming story of the Rain Flower
AIATSIS Chairman Professor Mick Dodson launched The Rain Flower on 8 October at the National Library of Australia as part of the Canberra Readers and Writers Festival.
AIATSIS Chairman Professor Mick Dodson launched The Rain Flower on 8 October at the National Library of Australia as part of the Canberra Readers and Writers Festival.
They love what Simon says
Francesca Simon's popular Horrid Henry stories are set to be on TV in the UK.
Francesca Simon's popular Horrid Henry stories are set to be on TV in the UK.
Peas, love and understanding
Article about Lauren child and her "Princess and the pea".
Article about Lauren child and her "Princess and the pea".
The books that devour Frankfurt - a report from the Frankfurt Book Fair
Thursday, October 27, 2005
2005 Once Upon a World Children's Book Award
"Ellington was not a street" is this year's winner http://www.latimes.com/features/kids/readingroom/la-et-kidcal26oct26,0,5353557.story?coll=la-living-kids_reading_room
"Ellington was not a street" is this year's winner http://www.latimes.com/features/kids/readingroom/la-et-kidcal26oct26,0,5353557.story?coll=la-living-kids_reading_room
The most read children's author in British public libraries
Read the The NGfL guide to Jacqueline Wilson at http://www.ngfl.gov.uk/features.jsp?sec=16&cat=99&res=89616
Read the The NGfL guide to Jacqueline Wilson at http://www.ngfl.gov.uk/features.jsp?sec=16&cat=99&res=89616
Sunday, October 23, 2005
The Complete List TIME Magazine - ALL-TIME 100 Novels
http://www.time.com/time/2005/100books/the_complete_list.html - Have you read them all?
http://www.time.com/time/2005/100books/the_complete_list.html - Have you read them all?
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
YARA Awards
Voting for the Young Australian Readers' Award closes this Friday - for further info go to http://www.yara-online.org
Voting for the Young Australian Readers' Award closes this Friday - for further info go to http://www.yara-online.org
Monday, October 10, 2005
New Literary Award
'The Blooker Prize,' The World's First Literary Prize for 'Blooks' (Books Based On Blogs or Web Sites) Launches October 10th http://www.lulublookerprize.com/
'The Blooker Prize,' The World's First Literary Prize for 'Blooks' (Books Based On Blogs or Web Sites) Launches October 10th http://www.lulublookerprize.com/
Zellweger to play children's author Beatrix Potter
American actress Renée Zellweger has been signed up to play Beatrix Potter in a film about the celebrated author's life. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/09/29/ubeatrix.xml&sSheet=/portal/2005/09/29/ixportaltop.html
American actress Renée Zellweger has been signed up to play Beatrix Potter in a film about the celebrated author's life. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/09/29/ubeatrix.xml&sSheet=/portal/2005/09/29/ixportaltop.html
Two articles about Children's author Robin Stewart's new book
The book is about a 175 year old tortoise that lievs at Steve Irwin's zoo
The book is about a 175 year old tortoise that lievs at Steve Irwin's zoo
Mem Fox hits the headlines in Idaho
Read about Mem's Conference presentation http://www.kpvi.com/index.cfm?page=nbcheadlines.cfm&ID=28847
Read about Mem's Conference presentation http://www.kpvi.com/index.cfm?page=nbcheadlines.cfm&ID=28847
Sunday, October 9, 2005
Ingpen and paper theage.com.au
A detailed article was recently published in The Age about Australia author and illustrator, Robert Ingpen. It is available by subscription. http://www.theage.com.au/news/books/ingpen-and-paper/2005/10/08/1128563036413.html
A detailed article was recently published in The Age about Australia author and illustrator, Robert Ingpen. It is available by subscription. http://www.theage.com.au/news/books/ingpen-and-paper/2005/10/08/1128563036413.html
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Kate Thompson wins Guardian Award
"The New Policeman" took out the 2005 award
Author interview http://books.guardian.co.uk/review/story/0,12084,1581274,00.html
"The New Policeman" took out the 2005 award
Author interview http://books.guardian.co.uk/review/story/0,12084,1581274,00.html
Can't manage to get to the AASL Conference?
Find out what's happening from the conference blog at http://www.abc.net.au/abckids/guide/netw/ZY7657A001D3.htm
Find out what's happening from the conference blog at http://www.abc.net.au/abckids/guide/netw/ZY7657A001D3.htm
Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards for Excellence in Children’s Literature
2005 Winners and Honor Books http://www.hbook.com/awards/bghb/current.asp
2005 Winners and Honor Books http://www.hbook.com/awards/bghb/current.asp
Smarties Awards
The shortlists for the Nestle Children's Book Prize (formerly know as the Smarites Awards) were announced yesterday. See the list at : http://www.booktrusted.co.uk/nestle/index.html
The shortlists for the Nestle Children's Book Prize (formerly know as the Smarites Awards) were announced yesterday. See the list at : http://www.booktrusted.co.uk/nestle/index.html
Great Online Journal for Teacher Librarians
The latest issue of SLIC, titled "Young People and Literature", is now online at http://www.schoollibraries.ca/issues/10.aspx
The latest issue of SLIC, titled "Young People and Literature", is now online at http://www.schoollibraries.ca/issues/10.aspx
Fancy a trip to the ACT?
The 3rd Canberra Readers and Writers Festival will be held from 6-9 October at the National Library of Australia. International and Australian writers include Ian Holding, Greg Baker, Merlinda Bobis, John Muk Muk Burke, Ian Callinan, Miranda Darling, Shirely Fenton-Huie, Jackie French, Wayne Grogan, Clive Hamilton, Kate Holden, Aneurin Hughes, Diane Langmore, Gabrielle Lord, Melissa Lucashenko, Nigel Marsh, Maxine McArthur, Michael McGirr, Lizz Murphy, Peter Raftos, Kaaren Sutcliffe and Peter Saunders Program available at: www.actwriters.org.au
The 3rd Canberra Readers and Writers Festival will be held from 6-9 October at the National Library of Australia. International and Australian writers include Ian Holding, Greg Baker, Merlinda Bobis, John Muk Muk Burke, Ian Callinan, Miranda Darling, Shirely Fenton-Huie, Jackie French, Wayne Grogan, Clive Hamilton, Kate Holden, Aneurin Hughes, Diane Langmore, Gabrielle Lord, Melissa Lucashenko, Nigel Marsh, Maxine McArthur, Michael McGirr, Lizz Murphy, Peter Raftos, Kaaren Sutcliffe and Peter Saunders Program available at: www.actwriters.org.au
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Helen Cresswell Obituaries
British author, Helen Cresswell, died this week aged 71. There have bee a number of tributes in the British Press.
British author, Helen Cresswell, died this week aged 71. There have bee a number of tributes in the British Press.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Animalia bound for the small screen
The series, for Ten Network in Australia, is based on the alphabet picture book by Graeme Base.
The series, for Ten Network in Australia, is based on the alphabet picture book by Graeme Base.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Happy 10th Birthday Internet Public Library
The timeline of its development is online at http://www.ipl.org/div/anniversary/timeline.html
The timeline of its development is online at http://www.ipl.org/div/anniversary/timeline.html
Nancy Drew is popular with granddaughters of her original readers
Seventy-five years since they were first published the adventures of Nancy Drew are being read by a new generation. In honor of the 75th Anniversary of Nancy Drew, the University of Maryland Libraries, Special Collections presents the exhibition Nancy Drew and Friends: Girls' Series Books Rediscovered. Rad about it in The Washington Post at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/21/AR2005092102252.html
Seventy-five years since they were first published the adventures of Nancy Drew are being read by a new generation. In honor of the 75th Anniversary of Nancy Drew, the University of Maryland Libraries, Special Collections presents the exhibition Nancy Drew and Friends: Girls' Series Books Rediscovered. Rad about it in The Washington Post at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/21/AR2005092102252.html
Sunday, September 25, 2005
GOT YOU! The Bottersnikes and Gumbles Fan Site
Worth a look is this fan site for S.A. Wakefield's classic series
Worth a look is this fan site for S.A. Wakefield's classic series
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Victorian Premier's Literary Awards: Shortlist 2005
The 2005 Victorian Premier's Literary Awards shortlist has been recently announced. The winners will be annonuced on October 17. See the list with judges' comments at http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/programs/literary/pla/index.html
The 2005 Victorian Premier's Literary Awards shortlist has been recently announced. The winners will be annonuced on October 17. See the list with judges' comments at http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/programs/literary/pla/index.html
Colin Thompson Desktop Background Images
At his website http://www.colinthompson.com/ author and illustrator Colin Thompson has made some of his images available for download. The bookshelf image is available in full colour or sepia.
At his website http://www.colinthompson.com/ author and illustrator Colin Thompson has made some of his images available for download. The bookshelf image is available in full colour or sepia.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Fully booked teacher's pet in a class of his own
Article about Ursula Dubosarsky from the Sydney Morning Herald
Article about Ursula Dubosarsky from the Sydney Morning Herald
Sunday, September 18, 2005
E-Portfolios for Learning
Helen Barrett's blog with links to her site on professional portfolios is a must for the teacher librarian who wishes to keep up with current practice.
Helen Barrett's blog with links to her site on professional portfolios is a must for the teacher librarian who wishes to keep up with current practice.
"MusicAustralia is an online service developed by the National Library of Australia and the National Film and Sound Archive (a division of the Australian Film Commission). MusicAustralia helps you to find, access and navigate a rich store of information on Australian music, musicians, organisations and services from a single access point." Search this database at http://www.musicaustralia.org/
The follow a theme feature is similar to that found at PictureAustralia.
"MusicAustralia is an online service developed by the National Library of Australia and the National Film and Sound Archive (a division of the Australian Film Commission). MusicAustralia helps you to find, access and navigate a rich store of information on Australian music, musicians, organisations and services from a single access point." Search this database at http://www.musicaustralia.org/
The follow a theme feature is similar to that found at PictureAustralia.
Guardian Children's Fiction Prize Shortlist Announced
See the titles at: http://books.guardian.co.uk/childrensfictionprize2005/story/0,16065,1571857,00.html
The winner will be announced on October 1st.
See the titles at: http://books.guardian.co.uk/childrensfictionprize2005/story/0,16065,1571857,00.html
The winner will be announced on October 1st.
Australian Author hits headlines in Bangkok Post
'The first book I wrote was a children's book," said Andrew Matthews, Australian author of Being a Happy Teen, " Read the full article in the Bangkok Post at http://www.bangkokpost.com/en/Outlook/17Sep2005_out01.php
'The first book I wrote was a children's book," said Andrew Matthews, Australian author of Being a Happy Teen, " Read the full article in the Bangkok Post at http://www.bangkokpost.com/en/Outlook/17Sep2005_out01.php
Friday, September 16, 2005
Books for Boys
Over dinner last night a colleague reminded me of Newington College's visually appealing reading lists for boys in years 7-10. "The books that remain are here because people like you have said they are good, not because teachers think they are good for you." Take a look at http://www.newingtoncollege.nsw.edu.au/widereading/index.html
Over dinner last night a colleague reminded me of Newington College's visually appealing reading lists for boys in years 7-10. "The books that remain are here because people like you have said they are good, not because teachers think they are good for you." Take a look at http://www.newingtoncollege.nsw.edu.au/widereading/index.html
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
New UK Report on Young People and the Internet
The nature and meaning of children's internet use and emerging patterns of attitudes and practices across diverse contexts and social groups in the UK are discussed in the report from The London School of Economics. The report is available at :
The nature and meaning of children's internet use and emerging patterns of attitudes and practices across diverse contexts and social groups in the UK are discussed in the report from The London School of Economics. The report is available at :
National Simultaneous Storytime
Wombat Stew was a great hit for National Simultaneous Storytime. At our school 1,000 people gathered for a reading of the story by the Principal and students from Kinder to Year 12. Parkes Christian School also joined the fun. See the newspaper report.
Wombat Stew was a great hit for National Simultaneous Storytime. At our school 1,000 people gathered for a reading of the story by the Principal and students from Kinder to Year 12. Parkes Christian School also joined the fun. See the newspaper report.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Misrule Blog
One of my favourite blogs is Misrule, http://www.misrule.com.au/serendipity/. The blogger, Australian Judith Ridge, says "Mostly, it concerns itself with news about children's literature." It is a good place to catch up on news with an Australian flavour.
One of my favourite blogs is Misrule, http://www.misrule.com.au/serendipity/. The blogger, Australian Judith Ridge, says "Mostly, it concerns itself with news about children's literature." It is a good place to catch up on news with an Australian flavour.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Australian author passes on
Donald Horne, author of The Lucky country died this week aged 83. For further info see 'The Lucky Country' author dies, aged 83
Donald Horne, author of The Lucky country died this week aged 83. For further info see 'The Lucky Country' author dies, aged 83
Australian Authors and Illustrators for Young People
I have spent quite a bit of time recently updating the links on this page at http://www4.tpgi.com.au/welwel/ausauthors/ recently. The site has hundreds of links to biograpical information, interviews and teaching materials.
I have spent quite a bit of time recently updating the links on this page at http://www4.tpgi.com.au/welwel/ausauthors/ recently. The site has hundreds of links to biograpical information, interviews and teaching materials.

The First Post - TLNewsau reborn
It is two years since I posted anything to TLNewsau first edition (now deleted).
Spurred on by Pat Pledger's session at the IASL Conference in Hong Kong in July I decided to give blogging another go. Hopefully the bits I post here will be of some use to TLs - particularly those in isolated areas.
New Mitchell Library Site
I alerted the staff at school to this a few weeks ago and some were suitably impressed. My mate Kate wrote this week "It’s a Wow! – make sure you go to “our libraries” and go to the door at Mitchell Library and make sure you’ve got your sound on too…"
Take a look at http://www.atmitchell.com/
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