23 October 2012
The ship's crew requested that all passengers leave the pool deck by 2:00 pm so that they could set up for the County Fair. At the appointed time of 3:00 pm the 650 adult kids on board the Seven Seas Mariner were allowed back onto the pool deck to join the fun of the fair.
Gone were the deck chairs, tables and chairs to be replaced by what we in Australia call Fete stalls. Each stall was hosted by a department of the ship: casino, waiters, housekeeping, beauty salon, bar staff, galley etc. At each of these stalls was a different game or challenge; those who were successful at the challenge were awarded a yellow raffle ticket for each "win". At the conclusion of proceedings 15 lucky people won a prize when the captain drew their tickets from a barrel.
Mr Geniaus netted one of the best prizes of the day - he won me a bottle of Vera Wang "Truly Pink".
There was a great carnival atmosphere on board as most of the passengers engaged in the simple activities on offer in the quest of the yellow tickets. It was great fun.
The crew members go to an enormous amount of trouble to entertain the old kids in their charge.
The old girl with white hair won the stewardesses relay |
Helmeted for American Football |
The beauty salon game required women (while blindfolded) to apply makeup to their men |