Saturday, August 24, 2024

Heading Home

 After a fabulous trip through Arnhem Land we flew home from Darwin yesterday. 

We missed out on our bid for a Business upgrade so I was pleased we had invested in some extra Legroom seats in Row 4 of the plane. We had a very comfortable trip.

The best part of the flight was the spectacular view we were served as we left Darwin. I happened to take a few snaps as we ascended towards our cruising height.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Sunset Cruise

We've been off grid for a few days enjoying the scenery and culture in Arnhem Land.  
Now at Seven Spirit Bay we are having a relaxing morning before exploring this afternoon.

Following are a few snaps from our recent sunset cruise from Davidson's Arnhem Land Safaris at Mt. Borradaile.

The party bus delivered us to the swamp/waterhole/billabong

First croc of many


The Jesus Bird hopping from lily pad to lily pad

Seventeen babies in this family of ducks

Mount Borradaile in the background

Not a care in the world

Young Jabiru

My what big teeth you have

Flood debris in tree

Salut, what's a cruise without bubbly?

Goodbye sun

Hello Moon

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Indigenous Culture

We learnt so much about indigenous culture and the Yolgnu people in Arnhem Land from our guide, Doreen.

The small local Djomi Museum in Maningrida that houses many artefacts and artworks is a credit to the community.

I may have taken some snaps of a few items.

Some of our tour group resting outside the Djomi Museum in Maningrida


Grass skirts

Traditional canoe


Traditional canoe

Baskets and woven goods


Painting on bark

Friday, August 16, 2024

Day's End

 After a long hot day on the road it was agreeable to gather with our fellow travellers and enjoy some bubbly and dinner as the sun set over Barra Lodge and the Tomkinson Floodplains.



Garlic Prawns

Local Kingfishers

Kingfisher eyeing off my mains

Most people had local Barramundi, I opted for the Fillet steak

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Serene Swamp

Our camp is on the banks of the Arafura Swamp. This morning we took a cruise through the wetlands. The scenery was stunning and the bird life abundant.

The blue dot indicates our position

Although the waters seemed tranquil from our boat, when we saw a water buffalo bathing and some crocodiles basking around the shores, we realised that it was far from a serene swamp.

An observant guide


Another Croc

Lovely Lilies

Plenty of Palms

What a beak

Drying off

On the lookout

Sunbaking in the mud

Reflections (and another Croc)

Through the trees

Layers of green

Ready to take off

Thanks, Guides, for a safe tour

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