Saturday, September 30, 2023

Booklovers' Quiz

I found this in my memories today and decided to devote a few minutes to a self assessment. 

Prior to commencing I visited the compiler's website and discovered that she is an American author.

I'm typing out the questions so, I invite YOU, my bookaholic friends to copy them and play along. Please let me know if you do.

Here's my self-assessment

1. Read the first chapter of a book in a bookstore
More than once.

2. Bought a book in a bookstore
Getting out without buying a book is a challenge.

3. Stayed up all night to finish a book
Not as often as I did when I was younger.

4. Bought a book you already owned
In the olden days, yes. Now I check Goodreads or Librarything accounts to make sure I haven't read it.

5. Keep track of the books you've read
Goodreads or Librarything.

6. Read more than 20 hours per week
Yes, when I am home. Sometimes travelling gets in the way of my reading habit.

7. Used a receipt as a bookmark
Tickets, Tissues, Receipts, Brochures - whatever is at hand.

8. Follow more than ten authors on social media

9. A dog-eared book page makes you cringe
Yes, I can always find a bookmark.

10. Own more than 300 books
Too frightened to count

11. Sniffed a new book before reading
Part of the reading ritual, one of my fave smells

12. Bought a new book without reading the description
Rarely judge a book by its cover.

13.  Cried due to the death of a fictional character
I'm a hard nut but have been driven to tears.

14. Would rather read than go to a party
Depends on the party.

15. Own a piece of clothing declaring your love of reading


  1. Mostly I read straight through but if not I’ll use whatever’s to hand, as you do. I still stay up late to read to the end. Can’t recall crying over a character but often left reflecting on events for hours. I dabble in a bookshop rather than read a whole chapter.

    My books are mostly (haha) in LibraryThing, read8ng in Good reads, and ebooks on my Kindle app or Amazon.



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