Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Blogging from A to Z April 2025 Blogging Challenge - Theme Reveal


During April I invite you to join me for an online tour of photos from my digital albums at the Blogging from A to Z April 2025 Blogging Challenge.

The A to Z April Challenge requires bloggers to post through the alphabet: 26 days, 26 letters, 26 posts starting with the theme of A on April 1st. As April has thirty days Sunday is designated as a day of rest. I was hesitant about joining the challenge again this year but, encouraged by fellow bloggers in Australia, I was convinced to join the party.  

As I travel the world I take many photos that pique my interest, these could be lumped into a "peculiar category" ie. they are different from what one usually sees in a collection of travel photos, they are peculiar to my interests. My theme for 2025 is Peculiar Pics. 

I'm currently travelling in Asia but will be back home in Australia in plenty of time to join the challenge.


  1. Sounds like fun things to see.

  2. Peculiar Pics! I love it Jill. Looking forward to seeing your photos.

  3. Looking forward to reading along with you


I'd love to hear what you have to say so I encourage you to say G'day in comments on my posts.

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