A Tour Guide can make or break a visit to a site. When travelling with Regent we have had guides from both ends of the spectrum, I find most often they are knowledgeable and passionate about their city, town or area of interest.
May I introduce you to some of the guides we have met on our travels.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam |
Paaimut, Greenland |
Mekong Delta, Vietnam |
Porto Grande, Cape Verde |
Visby, Sweden |
Napier, New Zealaand |
Ghana |
Porto Grande, Antigua |
Alesund, Norway |
Quebec, Canada |
Our Guide in Kyoto asked Mr GeniAus to fill in for a while |
Venice, Italy |
Kotor, Montenegro |
Brunei |
Ostia Antica, Italy |
It was too hard for this chap in Italy |
Nha Trang, Vietnam |
Mumbai, India |
Camboriu, Brazil |
Cartagena, Colombia |
Hiroshima, Japan |
Qaqortoq, Greenland |