Tuesday, October 18, 2005

2005 Victorian Premier's Literary Awards

Sonya Hartnett's novel "Surrender" last night won the $30,000 Vance Palmer Prize for Fiction.
YARA Awards

Voting for the Young Australian Readers' Award closes this Friday - for further info go to http://www.yara-online.org

Monday, October 10, 2005

New Literary Award

'The Blooker Prize,' The World's First Literary Prize for 'Blooks' (Books Based On Blogs or Web Sites) Launches October 10th http://www.lulublookerprize.com/
Zellweger to play children's author Beatrix Potter

American actress Renée Zellweger has been signed up to play Beatrix Potter in a film about the celebrated author's life. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/09/29/ubeatrix.xml&sSheet=/portal/2005/09/29/ixportaltop.html
Two articles about Children's author Robin Stewart's new book


The book is about a 175 year old tortoise that lievs at Steve Irwin's zoo
Mem Fox hits the headlines in Idaho

Read about Mem's Conference presentation http://www.kpvi.com/index.cfm?page=nbcheadlines.cfm&ID=28847

Sunday, October 9, 2005

Ingpen and paper theage.com.au

A detailed article was recently published in The Age about Australia author and illustrator, Robert Ingpen. It is available by subscription. http://www.theage.com.au/news/books/ingpen-and-paper/2005/10/08/1128563036413.html

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Kate Thompson wins Guardian Award

"The New Policeman" took out the 2005 award
Author interview http://books.guardian.co.uk/review/story/0,12084,1581274,00.html
Can't manage to get to the AASL Conference?

Find out what's happening from the conference blog at http://www.abc.net.au/abckids/guide/netw/ZY7657A001D3.htm
Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards for Excellence in Children’s Literature

2005 Winners and Honor Books http://www.hbook.com/awards/bghb/current.asp
Smarties Awards

The shortlists for the Nestle Children's Book Prize (formerly know as the Smarites Awards) were announced yesterday. See the list at : http://www.booktrusted.co.uk/nestle/index.html
Great Online Journal for Teacher Librarians

The latest issue of SLIC, titled "Young People and Literature", is now online at http://www.schoollibraries.ca/issues/10.aspx
Fancy a trip to the ACT?

The 3rd Canberra Readers and Writers Festival will be held from 6-9 October at the National Library of Australia. International and Australian writers include Ian Holding, Greg Baker, Merlinda Bobis, John Muk Muk Burke, Ian Callinan, Miranda Darling, Shirely Fenton-Huie, Jackie French, Wayne Grogan, Clive Hamilton, Kate Holden, Aneurin Hughes, Diane Langmore, Gabrielle Lord, Melissa Lucashenko, Nigel Marsh, Maxine McArthur, Michael McGirr, Lizz Murphy, Peter Raftos, Kaaren Sutcliffe and Peter Saunders Program available at: www.actwriters.org.au
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