Saturday, March 1, 2025

Quite Pleased with February Result

My 2025 Challenge Stats
 Although I have only read a few pages in the last couple of days I am quite satisfied with the volume of my reading in February. 

As I will be be travelling in March and attending and speaking at Connections2025, an Australasian genealogy conference, my reading time will be impacted. Being eight books ahead  of schedule will help me to keep on track to reach my target of 100 books read this year.

You can follow my reading journey on Goodreads, here

Here are the covers of  the eleven books I read in February.

The Quest for Annie Moore of Ellis Island: Uncovering the True Story of the First Immigrant to Arrive at America's Isle of Hope
Becoming Mrs Mulberry
Dementia, who are you and what have done with my mother?
Bellevue (A Medical Thriller)
The Golden Thread
The Family History Book: How to find and research your ancestors in Australia
Dead Man's Shoes (Detective Clare Mackay #9)
Narrow Is the Way
Australia in 100 Words
Seeds of Murder (The Gardener Mysteries #1)
In the Margins

Saturday, February 1, 2025

On Track

 I'm pleased to report that I managed to read 13 books in January towards the Goodreads 2025 Reading Challenge. Hopefully being ahead of schedule will stand me in good stead when Mr GeniAus and I are distracted when travelling. 

My 2025 Challenge Progress Stats

You can follow my reading journey on Goodreads :

Following are the titles I have read so far in 2025. 

In the Margins
Poisoned Life of Mrs.Maybrick by Bernard Ryan (1977-06-13)
Going Under: A memoir of family secrets, addiction and escape
Still Alice
Unfinished Business
Bright Shining: How Grace Changes Everything
Murder Takes Root (The Gardener Mysteries #2)
Women & Children
Long Time Gone: Sneak Peek
Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting
Three Wild Dogs (and the Truth): A Memoir
Franny and Lane: A children's book based on the novel Franny and Zooey By J.D. Salinger
Out of the Blue: Everything this Wiggle journey has taught me
Silent Voices (Vera Stanhope, #4)

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Children Writing

In efforts to clean up my stuff (personal assets) I am going through my genealogy folders and of course I'm unearthing some treasures of times past that had faded from my memory

Back in 1970/1972 I was the Children's Librarian at Randwick Municipal Library (now Randwick City Library). In those days, when many schools did not have libraries on site we forged strong alliances with local schools and hosted regular visits from there classes. We also cooperated with neighbouring Municipal Libraries on several ventures. One of these that I had forgotten was a small publication, Children Writing

With the Children's Librarians from Waverley and Woollahra Libraries and support from local schools in our areas we edited and published several issues of Children Writing. I cannot remember how many issues were published or what happened to the funds raised from its sale. 

Children Writing : Record on Trove

When I fired up Trove this morning I was delighted to see that four Australian libraries hold copies of  Children Writing a little project to which I made a contribution to over 50 years ago. 

I grabbed my phone and took a few snaps of  my copy of Issue 2, June 1971 this morning.

Cover of Children Writing

Title Page 


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Snapping my way

I sometimes list Photography as one of my Hobbies  but that's not really accurate. It's just an activity that, since smartphones came into my life, is a part of my everyday life. 

A photo is an aide-memoire to assist my flagging memory - it may be a photograph, a business card, a memorable meal, a book for the reading list, treasured time with family, the changing moods on our Lake, an offer in a Facebook ad, an idea for a blog post.

For the reading list

A meal to remember - not just for the food

A sensational day out

All of these images or snaps are reviewed regularly and either consigned to the trash (not many) or transferred to my image archive, an external hard disk drive, where I religiously catalogue add metadata: the who, what, why, when and where of the images.

When we are travelling my snapping activity goes into overdrive. I add a small digital camera with a long zoom and several batteries to my arsenal so that I have plenty of juice to get through the day. I try to process these each evening before I forget where they were taken. When I forget this task I create a nightmare for my return home

The result is that I have an external hard drive (and another for backup) with several terabytes of images. Whenever a family member needs a photo of a particular event or a selection to show at family event I can quickly search my collection and come up with the goods.  

Recently I came across and joined a local photography group, Lake Macquarie Area in Photos,  on Facebook that issues a weekly challenge or two to its members. I love a challenge so I very quickly entered some, it is an opportunity to share some of my better snaps. As I am mostly sharing photos of Carey Bay the focus of my One Place Study it may help me to connect with people from the local area. 

I have received lots of positive reinforcement from members of the group and even received an honourable mention for my first entry. Since then I've had a few honourable mentions. 

One of last week's themes was "Shimmer", I was overjoyed when my image of the moon's reflection in our Backyard (The Lake) was chosen as photo of the week. As well as gallons of personal satisfaction I was rewarded with my image being posted as the header image for the week on the Facebook Group.

My winning Image "Shimmer at Carey Bay"

I recently discontinued active participation on Twitter and moved my social media activity from that platform to Bluesky (I am While my main focus there is Family History I have been reading unrelated posts. A weekly challenge from a Scottish Lass, Sheena, appealed so I joined her Alphabet Challenge in which one has to post an image related to a them related to the letter of the week. 

Three weeks in I am enjoying this fun activity as it is helping me to meet new and interesting connections who participate. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Struck off the Bucket List

On our recent European jaunt I was able to tick off a site on my Bucket List.

When we disembarked at dawn from our plane at Heathrow on October 18th we headed straight for Avis and collected a rental car. We set out on a leisurely drive via the coast to Dartmouth where we would be staying for a couple of nights. We were delighted to find our comfortable accommodation with a bay window looking over the River Dart,  After exploring the town we purchased some provisions for a picnic dinner in our room before we hit the sack. We had been travelling for over 30 hours.

View from our Bay Window

Jet lag had us awake bright and early for our big day out to Greenway, the country home of Agatha Christie. A ferry ride across the river and some winding country roads delivered us to the carpark ready for opening hour. 

Ferry across the River Dart

Armed with cameras and smartphones we wandered down the long driveway to Agatha's house. Let's see what was inside.

We started our visit in a Living Room

Agatha aged four

The doll in Agatha's portrait

Impressive chest in Agatha's room

A pretty collectible

Agatha's Bedroom

Clothes belonging to Agatha and her daughter Rosalind

Agatha's throne

The library at Greenway

Agatha aged 20

Impressive door stop

Nursie who taught Agatha to read and write

The house is full of family collections

On the kitchen shelves

Agatha's favourite recipes within

One happy old bibliophile with her souvenir

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